Property Photography
W hether the property you are marketing is a studio flat in the centre of town or a sprawling estate in the heart of the country, we provide products that will show it off to its maximum potential. Photography is probably the most important aspect of property marketing, and with many estate agents still taking their own shots, here are some great reasons to use a professional.
Property Listings with professional photography create around 140% more clicks than listings with amateur photography. Our photos will help to generate more interest in your property.
Studies have shown that properties marketed using professional photography achieve a higher asking price than similar properties listed without.
Over 95% or property searches are done online, meaning that buyers decide on which properties to view based on the photographs they see.
It takes buyers approximately 2 seconds to decide whether or not to click on a property listing online. Set yourself aside from the competition with a stunning main photo.
When viewing a property online, buyers spend 60% of their time looking at the photos. Make sure that yours grab their attention.